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Top : Scripts : PHP : Password Protection
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GenieGate User Management Software
GenieGate is an extremely flexible user management solution. Provides access control, vCards, Plugins, Documented API, Apache flatfile and DBM, data import/export, multiple on-the-fly user properties and is especially useful for webmasters or ISP's who have several clients.
Hits Out: 554 Hits In: 1659 Rating: 1.33 Rate It - http://www.geniegate.com/
Advanced web password protection script
NeedLock is a powerful and effective tool for protecting your website directories and managing member areas. It uses .htaccess and .htpasswd files to restrict access on a per-directory basis. The script combines a friendly interface with a whole set of necessary features: members control, five admin levels, statistics tool, account expiration facility, log tool, script configuration, registration setup, multi-lingual support etc.
Hits Out: 1962 Hits In: 1 Rating: 10.00 Rate It - http://needlock.com/
A free basic and simple PHP tool for administrating multiple .htpasswd files.
Hits Out: 933 Hits In: 0 Rating: 0 Rate It - http://www.hido.net/
Simple Password Protection
Password protection for a single page. Visitors are required to enter a password and username that you define into a login form to view the page content.
Hits Out: 635 Hits In: 0 Rating: 0 Rate It - http://www.totallyphp.co.uk/
Allows you to easily protect your sensitive pages for free (sites admin pages, members only pages, you name it). It uses a MySQL database to store usernames and encrypted passwords. Can protect as many pages as you want.
Hits Out: 4618 Hits In: 0 Rating: 5.67 Rate It - http://phpuserlogin.oxyscripts.com/
Password protect your downloads using mysql and php! Users cannot access the download page, if they bypass the login screen. It requires them to be validated against the mysql database. Freeware.
Hits Out: 2025 Hits In: 0 Rating: 1.00 Rate It -
NeedSecure - Website Password Protection System
Need Secure is a PHP based program and by using this program the system administrators or webmasters can protect their member areas by using password. It helps them to secure their data from hackers. The features included in this program are, it offers three levels of administration, email templates and language files can be customized by the administrators, users can disable pre-register members and new registrations and many more features are available.
Hits Out: 346 Hits In: 0 Rating: 10.00 Rate It - http://needsecure.com/
Advanced Login Area Designer-Integrator (ALADIN)
Program easily creates login area. Make up only one link to the registration form and ALADIN will register user, collect user data, send and receive email confirmation. Web based graphical admin interface with visual folders password protection. Automated user signup. Total user access management. Easy integrate into web site. No installation, no programming skills, no authentication knowledge required � take and use at once.
Hits Out: 347 Hits In: 0 Rating: 9.00 Rate It - http://www.diofant.com/
Automated Members Area Designer
Web based tool to control user access to the protected areas by manual and automated way. Only for five minutes you are able to create members area and prepare conditions to accept and authenticate new users. Users will register oneself, sign up for the protected area. Program will automatically check up user data, send email- notification, receive email-validation, assign access and record user data.
Hits Out: 1080 Hits In: 0 Rating: 9.20 Rate It - http://www.diofant.com/
A free PHP module to secures pages with a login name and password. It can handle multiple user groups (each with their own viewing rights), store data in a MySQL database or a configuration file, and be used to identify your Web site viewers. It also has multiple language support and session support for both PHP3 and PHP4.
Hits Out: 3303 Hits In: 0 Rating: 5.50 Rate It - http://www.phpsecurepages.com/
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