Dasc's Guestbook
A guestbook script written in PHP 4.0.6. Features: XHTML 1.1 compliant, uses plain textfile for storage (ie. server doesn't need database support), removes HTML tags from messages, multi-page listing, set number of entries per page, receive new entries by e-mail, set order in which to display entries, ignore enter key, display entry number, and set image to be displayed between entries (or use HR tag).
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Features include: Nice interface, Fast and stable code, Language templates (english, german, italian, potuguese, french, dutch, swedish, chinese, japanese, danish, etc), Location templates (world, europe, belgium, etc), IP logging and banning, browser logging, pagebreak's, smilies, word filter, control panel, and many more...
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blogKomm light-edition
blogKomm light is a very simple PHP script that allows the readers to place comments on your blogger posts. Features: comments are placed directly under the posts, e-mail notification to the post author when new comments are placed, and serverside validation of entries.
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Xeobook is a highly customizable, easy to setup, secure guestbook script based on PHP4 and MySQL. If you like a clean and fully customizable layout this might be worth a try. Besides its convenient setup and online maintenance, you'll get your own headers/ footers/ themes/ comments/ searches. All passwords are transmitted as md5-hashs. You can allow/ disallow specific html-tags, get email notifiction of new entries or set dynamically adjusted next/ previous-links and block spammers, etc.
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Guestbook Script
With this script a website owner can put a guestbook on the website where visitors can sign it and leave greetings. HTML layout and form fields are full customizable. The script supports flood protection and the administrator can edit and delete entries.
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Globe*Trotter: Open source guestmap
This open-source guestmap (geographical guestbook) allows your visitors to mark where they live on a map and then add personal comments. It�s a fun and novel guestbook.
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