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A community project for site promotion and web development, featuring articles, downloads, reviews, and other resources.
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Webmasterz base on the net
A daily updated site with tons of articles on marketing, promotion, search engine tips, internet business, site/software reviews etc
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venturemall/free classifieds and business message board
Splash business message boards, post ad in free classifieds, get free webhosting, free business cards, register domain name, read and submit website promotion articles
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Getting listed on search engines
Getting listed on a search engine can be difficult. This guide tells you the do's and dont's of getting listed, and the most effective ways of getting onto the big search engines
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Internet Ad Sales
Internet Ad Sales offers online advertising network reviews and information, internet marketing trends, online ad industry news, web publisher tools and resources for interactive advertisers.
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We've compiled more useful information, robust software and necessary resources for marketing online than you could collect on your own in a month. We've put it all together on this informative website so you don't have to surf the web for it!
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Search Engine Promotion Help
Free information and software to promote your site using the search engines. We have a free online spider map creator which generates a site map (including optional descriptions) to make your site a snap for the search engine spiders to index.
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Google Info
Google's rules and guidelines on how to do well in it's search result pages (SERP). It will also let you know what their "bot" likes and doesn't like, how to add/remove your website from the listings, how to make your site show up in the results, and anything else you might need to do well in Google!
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Creative Confusion
UK search engine news and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tips.
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Search engine optimization guide
This guide gives you an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO). Beginners to SEO would find this site pretty useful
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